4 Things I No Longer Use

Microwave My family and I stopped using a microwave years ago. Microwaves are convenient appliances, however they are banned for use in many European countries, which made our decision easy. It’s best to avoid or limit use because they do have some negative effects on our heath and they denature the food nutrients. Bad OilsContinue reading “4 Things I No Longer Use”

Coconut Water

One of the most refreshing drinks of the summer is coconut water. Coconut water re-hydrates the body and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells. It increases metabolism and promotes weight loss. It boosts the immune system by fighting viruses. It can help reduce blood pressure and increase healthy circulation. It balances the HP levels andContinue reading “Coconut Water”

A quick & Healthy Little Snack

Fruit is my favorite food. Juicy apples and berries are the first thing I eat every day. Recently I discovered a sweet dip made of dates and cinnamon in one of Medical Medium’s books: Life – Changing Foods. This book not only taught me about dates and introduced me to my daily healthy desert, butContinue reading “A quick & Healthy Little Snack”

Sweet Potato Brownie

If you have a sweet tooth, but try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat as clean as possible, this is the treat for you. You will need 1 cup cooked mashed sweet potato (roughly 1 sweet potato), 1/4 cup cacao, 1/2 cup nut butter, 1/2 cup maple syrup, 2 TBSP coconut flour, 1/2 TSPContinue reading “Sweet Potato Brownie”

Should You Eat After 6pm?

One of the misconceptions of losing weight is not eating after 6pm. What’s more important is not when you eat, but what you eat. If you live a healthy lifestyle, you eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains and exercise regularly, eating a healthy snack at 9pm will not cause you to gain weight. On the otherContinue reading “Should You Eat After 6pm?”

Look Younger

Halt the signs of aging in five ways: 1. Get a good night’s sleep. When skin is deprived of sleep, it can become dull, pale and lifeless. 2. Eat a balanced, healthy diet. Be sure to eat antioxidant-rich foods which destroy free radicals and are beneficial for overall health. 3. Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water helpsContinue reading “Look Younger”