Natural Vitamin D is the best option

The best kind of Vitamin D is the one naturally occurring in your body. A few minutes outdoors without sunscreen, is the natural Vitamin D you really need.

Unfortunately, most people live in geographic locations where they can only make Vitamin D during the summer months.

I consider myself lucky spending all seasons in sunny California. I am usually outside walking and hiking or reading by the pool and at the beach and don’t have to worry about a Vitamin D deficiency.

Where do vegans get protein from?

Many people who are thinking of going plant based or vegan have the same question. Where would they get protein from if they are not consuming meat and dairy? There is a misconception that to build muscle and to be strong, you cannot be vegetarian or vegan. However, you will find many plant based body builders who get protein from legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds. One doesnโ€™t have to rely on meat and dairy protein powders to build muscle.


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Fruit has healing properties. If you want to be healthy, load up on fruit.

Sugar from fruit is the right kind of sugar that our body and mind needs to function and thrive on.

The best time to eat fruit is in the morning while your body is doing the heaviest detoxification. It gently wakes up the digestive system and cleans the colon. Eating fruit as a desert after a meal, is not recommended since itโ€™s not digested properly.

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๐Ÿ”ธ3 green onions
๐Ÿ”ธ3 garlic cloves
๐Ÿ”ธ1/2 lbs spinach
๐Ÿ”ธA bunch of fresh dill
๐Ÿ”ธVegan feta cheese
๐Ÿ”ธFillo Dough

๐Ÿ”ถChop the onions and garlic cloves and sautรฉ in a pan. Add spinach and later the feta and fresh dill until it is a creamy consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste.

๐Ÿ”ถLayer fillo dough in a glass baking dish by brushing each layer with olive oil. Add the spinach mix in the middle. Layer the rest of the fillo dough by continuing to brush each layer with olive oil.

๐Ÿ”ถBake at 350 degree F for 45 minutes until golden brown.

Vegan Ricotta Flatbread

While debating which toppings to put on an almond flour flatbread I made, I remembered that I had just made some fresh ricotta. I topped the almond flour flatbread with pizza sauce, some mild banana peppers for a little tang, and the delicious ricotta. To make vegan ricotta, you need simple ingredients, probably ones you already have in your pantry. I have now also used this on pasta and toasted bread. Next, I would like to add the ricotta to the chickpea crust or cauliflower crust pizza I tend to make most weekends. Give it a try and let me know what you think of this versatile vegan cheese.

10 Daily Habits

1. Wake up early

One thing most successful people have in common is waking up early. The early morning hours are the perfect time to focus on personal goals without interruption.

2. Lemon water

Squeezing half a lemon in water first thing in the morning hydrates and refreshes the body. Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach, helps remove toxins and aids in detoxification.

3. Make the bed

By making the bed, the first task of the day has been accomplished. This small habit starts your day off right and sets the tone for the entire day encouraging you to be productive.

4. Exercise

Walking even 20 minutes a day has such a vast number of benefits for our health. Adding strength training will help preserve and enhance muscle mass and increase bone density at any age.

5. Fruit for breakfast

It’s best to eat fruit in the morning when the body is doing the heaviest detoxification. The digestive system breaks down the fruit sugar quickly and allows all nutritional benefits to be absorbed.

6. Gratitude

The simple act of giving appreciation for someone or something in life, even if it is for a few minutes each day, results in health benefits and physiological changes that occur in the body and mind.

7. Supplements

Due the depleted soils, we are not able to get all the benefits from the foods that we eat. As a result, it is important to take some key supplements such as Vitamin C, Zinc & B12 for optimal health.

8. Mediate

Meditation reduces stress, helps with attention span and can lead to better sleep. Usually people who meditate daily deal with less anxiety and depression.

9. No food before bed

It’s best to eat a lighter dinner earlier, so the body can focus on healing, repair and growth, instead of using energy for digestion while you sleep.

10. Go to bed early

Between the hours of 10 PM and 2 AM we produce the greatest amount of melatonin which enhances immunity. Going to bed early also makes it easier to become an early riser.

Vegan Banana Muffins

Every time I have a couple ripe bananas, I make these delicious vegan chocolate chips oatmeal muffins.

Ingredients you need to make 6 muffins:

1 cup organic oats

2 large mashed ripe bananas

1/2 cup nut butter

1 TSP baking powder

2 TBSP maple syrup

Optional ingredients: vegan chocolate chips, crack of salt, lots of cinnamon.

Bake at 350 degree F for 15-20 mins depending on your oven. Let them sit to cool and the muffins will become firmer.

3-Ingredient Cookies

I love sweets with clean ingredients. They are just so guilt free. For this recipe, you can use nut butter, almond butter or peanut butter. Combine all and separate into 6-8 cookies. Top with crushed almonds or peanuts. Bake at 350 degree F for 10 mins. The cookies will seem soft but if you let them sit they will harden. Quick and healthy cookies in a few minutes. Perfect with the morning coffee.

4 Things I No Longer Use


My family and I stopped using a microwave years ago. Microwaves are convenient appliances, however they are banned for use in many European countries, which made our decision easy. It’s best to avoid or limit use because they do have some negative effects on our heath and they denature the food nutrients.

Bad Oils

Some vegetable oils, especially canola oil, is genetically modified and it can lead to inflammation, heart disease, liver and kidney issues. When choosing a cooking oil or products that contain oil; look for olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil. Try to avoid canola, corn, soybean and palm oil.


I changed my toothpaste years ago when I learned that flouride is a chemical and it is highly toxic to the liver. Flouride is also linked to cancer. It is most commonly found in our water and toothpaste. There are many other toothpaste options now which are much safer and beneficial for the teeth.


Soda contains loads of sugar which can have various adverse impacts on our health. In addition to sugar, these drinks also contain high levels of phosphate which can have an harmful effect on bone health. Also, acid from soda can irritate the stomach lining and cause heartburn and acid reflux as well as erode tooth enamel.