4 Things I No Longer Use

Microwave My family and I stopped using a microwave years ago. Microwaves are convenient appliances, however they are banned for use in many European countries, which made our decision easy. It’s best to avoid or limit use because they do have some negative effects on our heath and they denature the food nutrients. Bad OilsContinue reading “4 Things I No Longer Use”

Use The Right Oil

I was recently watching a reality show and on the kitchen counter I noticed there was vegetable oil. It reminded me that I often see olive oil being used in healthy recipes even when baking at high temperatures. I have come to the conclusion that some use bad oils and some misuse good oils. SomeContinue reading “Use The Right Oil”

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of those gems that can be used for so many different things other than cooking. It makes a great moisturizer for dry skin. It can be used as a nourishing deep conditioner. It helps with digestion as well as overall improve immune function. It also helps with scrapes and cuts by repairingContinue reading “Coconut Oil”