Nice Cream

Another favorite sweet treat is Nice Cream. The perfect non dairy ice cream without the added sugars and calories. It is so tasty and you can make any flavors you like. It’s just the right indulgence during hot summer days.

Use The Right Oil

I was recently watching a reality show and on the kitchen counter I noticed there was vegetable oil. It reminded me that I often see olive oil being used in healthy recipes even when baking at high temperatures. I have come to the conclusion that some use bad oils and some misuse good oils.

Some oils can be really harmful to your health. Canola oil is being used by most restaurants, but people are becoming more and more aware that it is damaging to the immune system. 90% of canola oil is genetically modified and it can lead to inflammation, heart disease, liver and kidney issues.

Every oil has a heating point. Olive oil produces carcinogens when heated beyond it’s smoking point of 325 degrees. Coconut oil is not recommended to be used beyond 350 degrees. Avocado oil can be used up to 500 degree high heat which makes it a versatile all purpose cooking oil.

Avoid using vegetable oils and opt for healthier options like olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil, but do not use them beyond their heating point.

My Closet

An organized space results in an organized mind. I try to keep my closet simple, efficient and organized.

Coconut Water

One of the most refreshing drinks of the summer is coconut water. Coconut water re-hydrates the body and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells. It increases metabolism and promotes weight loss. It boosts the immune system by fighting viruses. It can help reduce blood pressure and increase healthy circulation. It balances the HP levels and cleans the digestive track as well as treats kidney stones. It is great for the skin and it provides anti-aging benefits. Coconut water is one of the highest sources of electrolytes which is packed with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

Coconut water sounds like a miracle liquid, but finding a good option with no added sugar is not easy. Look at the list of ingredients and gravitate towards the ones with only organic coconut water or 100% coconut water. Even better, try to find fresh coconut water with green, young and tender shells.

Enjoying some fresh coconut water in Costa Rica

A quick & Healthy Little Snack

Fruit is my favorite food. Juicy apples and berries are the first thing I eat every day. Recently I discovered a sweet dip made of dates and cinnamon in one of Medical Medium’s books: Life – Changing Foods. This book not only taught me about dates and introduced me to my daily healthy desert, but it even had a recipe which was simple to make and so delicious.

It is called the caramel dip and all you need are 6 pitted dates and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Add a dash of water to the dates and cinnamon and blend. The dates can also be soaked in water for 2 hours until softened if working with dry, firm ones. Spoon the mixture into a small bowl, sprinkle cinnamon on top and serve with apple slices or other delicious fruit.

Sweet Potato Brownie

If you have a sweet tooth, but try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat as clean as possible, this is the treat for you.

You will need 1 cup cooked mashed sweet potato (roughly 1 sweet potato), 1/4 cup cacao, 1/2 cup nut butter, 1/2 cup maple syrup, 2 TBSP coconut flour, 1/2 TSP baking soda & 1/2 TSP vanilla extract.

Preheat the oven to 350ºC. Mash cooked sweet potato by using a fork and combine cacao, nut butter, maple syrup, coconut flour, baking soda and vanilla extract. If a smoother texture is preferred, combine ingredients in a food processor. Grease an 8X8 dish. Pan to even out and bake for 30 minutes.

Allow to cool completely. Serve with vegan ice cream or just by itself. 

Boost Your Immune System – Part 5: Supplements

Supplements- “The reason one vitamin can cure so many illnesses is because a deficiency of one vitamin can cause many illnesses”

Eating a balanced diet which includes a range of vitamins and minerals can positively affect a healthy immune system. Our busy lives prevent us from eating all the servings of nutrient foods that our bodies need. Also, due to the depleted soils, we are not able to get all the benefits from the foods that we eat. It’s best to take important supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, magnesium and selenium which can help immune cells function. Studies have shown that those taking vitamin C reduce the risk of developing a cold by 50%. Oranges, red bell peppers, broccoli, kiwi and strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. Most people are deficient in vitamin D. Studies have shown that people who took vitamin D supplements also had less severe colds and were less likely to develop respiratory tract infections than those who didn’t. Vitamin D can also strengthen your bones, reduce inflammation and help with immune function. The best way to get vitamin D is through safe sun exposure, but there are other sources such as cod liver oil, fatty fish and mushrooms. If you are not eating enough sprouted nuts and seeds, you are probably not getting the necessary zinc dosage. Zinc is known to stop viruses from replicating and help with the common cold. Quercetin transports zinc across cellular membranes. Quercetin can be viewed as the key and zinc as the repairman in the body. Although magnesium is found in plenty of foods such as nuts and avocados, it can still be difficult to consume all that is needed daily. Magnesium helps develop antibodies which keep harmful bacteria and viruses away. Selenium has great antioxidant properties. The best sources of selenium are Brazil nuts and walnuts. Other powerful antioxidant supplements include glutathione, beta glucan and olive leaf. These are also the key vitamins recommended to strengthen the immune system against COVID-19.

Stay safe and healthy!

Sensory Bins

Sensory play has been become more popular in the recent year. Exposing children to various sensory experiences is necessary for a young brain to develop the proper sensory processing capabilities. Cognitive health is as important as physical health. Sensory play supports language development, cognitive growth, motor skills, problem solving skills and social interaction. It is also great for calming an anxious or frustrated child.

Spring Invitation to Play Sensory Tray

Spring Invitation to Play Sensory Tray

3 Ingredient Fudge

This simple treat is delicious.
You will need: 1 cup coconut oil, 1 cup cacao powder and 1/2 cup maple syrup (or honey).
Mix all ingredients and pour fudge onto a tray lined with baking paper.
Place in fridge for a few hours until set.

Chocolate Fudge

Boost Your Immune System – Part 4: Sunshine

Sunshine – “Nature itself is the best physician”

Sunshine reduces stress and boosts mood. It is good for the brain, bone and immune health. It helps improve sleep, regulates appetite and metabolism. It helps skin produce vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D especially in the winter months is associated with lower immune system and depression. Sunlight can not only improve your mood, but also create optimism, and better support your immune system’s ability to fight off foreign invaders and cancerous cells. Just 20 minutes of sunshine per day triggers your body to release over 200 antimicrobials that fight fungi, parasites and viruses. There is no doubt that sunshine is the best medicine.