10 Daily Habits

1. Wake up early

One thing most successful people have in common is waking up early. The early morning hours are the perfect time to focus on personal goals without interruption.

2. Lemon water

Squeezing half a lemon in water first thing in the morning hydrates and refreshes the body. Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach, helps remove toxins and aids in detoxification.

3. Make the bed

By making the bed, the first task of the day has been accomplished. This small habit starts your day off right and sets the tone for the entire day encouraging you to be productive.

4. Exercise

Walking even 20 minutes a day has such a vast number of benefits for our health. Adding strength training will help preserve and enhance muscle mass and increase bone density at any age.

5. Fruit for breakfast

It’s best to eat fruit in the morning when the body is doing the heaviest detoxification. The digestive system breaks down the fruit sugar quickly and allows all nutritional benefits to be absorbed.

6. Gratitude

The simple act of giving appreciation for someone or something in life, even if it is for a few minutes each day, results in health benefits and physiological changes that occur in the body and mind.

7. Supplements

Due the depleted soils, we are not able to get all the benefits from the foods that we eat. As a result, it is important to take some key supplements such as Vitamin C, Zinc & B12 for optimal health.

8. Mediate

Meditation reduces stress, helps with attention span and can lead to better sleep. Usually people who meditate daily deal with less anxiety and depression.

9. No food before bed

It’s best to eat a lighter dinner earlier, so the body can focus on healing, repair and growth, instead of using energy for digestion while you sleep.

10. Go to bed early

Between the hours of 10 PM and 2 AM we produce the greatest amount of melatonin which enhances immunity. Going to bed early also makes it easier to become an early riser.

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